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[page 1] NEWS OF THE MSU TOLKIEN FELLOWSHIP: _Regular meetings_ have changed location, and are held after the Ennorology Seminar (see below). We now have a nice conference room for the rest of the year, thanks to the Hubbard Hall management. _Ennorology seminar_: Middle Earth Studies, is hed d @held@ Thurdays at 8:00 pm in room G-34 (basement) of North Hubbard. Last week's meeting was devoted to an introduction to a basic English mode of the Feanorian Tengwar, and was fairly successful, despite intense harrassement @harassment@ by orcs. Future meetings will include discussions led by various faculty members as well as by students; among those who will talk are Meyer Wolf from Linguistics and Mrs. Grimes of comparative lit, whose specialties are medieval studies and myth and ritual. If anyone knows of any faculty member who might be interested in giving a talk or just attending the seminar, please ask or give Tracie or Va. the name and department. And mention the seminar to anyone you meet who looks like they might be interested. _Rain dance_: Yes, there were a bunch of Fellowship members doing a rain dance in the basement of Hubbard last Saturday, and yes, it did rain. It has been raining for almost a week, not unusual for Michigan, except that it's _January_! Where's the snow? Where's the SUN?! (Ahem. I disclaim any responsibility for the last six days of rain, or the next 34. I wasn't there.{Dwarvish rune for "G"}) _TSA_: The March general meeting of the _TOlkien Society of America_ will be held in conjunction with BOSKONE V, March 23&24 (over spring break, people). The con will be residing in the Statler Hilton, Boston, Mass. For information write Paul Galvin, ConComm Chairman, 219 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass 02139. Registration is $2. This should be of interest to the inordinate number of Fellows who will be in the area. (For a Michigan school there sure are a lot of them. Isn't _anyone_ besides Gary from Michigan?) -:-:-:--:-: