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[page 13] ADS JOIN THE TOLKIEN SOCIETY OF ENGLAND! Now that there are smials around the world isn't it appropriate that there should be one where Tolkien lives? And now there is contact the Tolkien Society of England Write: Michael Ashe, 213 Queens Road Maidstone. Kent, England At B. Dalton Bookstore there is everything a Tolkienist would want see thier trayful of some 30 different Elvish buttons. Tolkien posters! Sci-Fi books galore! Hobbit Heavean at:1679 Northwest Plaza & 128 Crestwood Plaza. Phone- Ax 1-3131! Block Bookstore has psychedelic Tolkien posters buttons and the books. 285 N. Skinker- Pa- 50203 Ozark Sci-Fi association sponsers annual Ozarkon. Meet monthly at the city library. Write: Hank Luttrel. The Basement, 1108 Locust, Columbia Mo. 65201. Put out Sirruish and the monthly, OsFan. All smials notify ALPAJPURL. Smial Co ordinatior/ 1690 E. 26 Av./ Eugene Oregon. 97403. Smials should report to him as he is the T.S.A. Head of Smials. Smials should report thier progress at least every two issues of the T.J. and your smial will be listen. An irregular Tolkien zine- "Orcrist" can be gotten from Richard West 614, Langdon Street, Madison, Wisconsin. 53703.