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[page 2] OTHER PAPERS May it come to our attention that there are _other_ papers: some much better than this (impossible!). One can join the Tolkien Society of America for $2.00 and get 4 issues of the Tolkien Journal plus various Bulletins and Green Dragons (supplements). In our club here is the Misty Mountain Monthly (soon to change names) by Tom Bombadil at 431 Sylvan, Dearborn, Mich., 48124. And There is (in dire need of contributors, both of money and articles) the (possibly on the California paper, _Elbereth_, and any others, if they will). One paper I should like to mention in my article (for a last time) is the "Doormat-Dwellers." It is a horribly leftist paper which screams "love your brother" and "Hanging is too good for LBJ." It is written by a subscriber in Woodville, Wisc. (1950 census—431 people) who calls herself "Gandalf" and retains a side pain, "Fong." [page 3] Club News cont. The art is horrible and they have recently taken to printing ways of escaping the draft by faggin' out. So, Gang, if you do not want to be a Frog (everyone who is not with them is a (ribbit) Frog (gleep)), write Gandalf, Sue Chapin- Box 222, Wonderful Woodsy-ville, Wisc. 54028