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[page 1] {Image: The entire left margin of the page is made up of line drawings. They are, from top to bottom: a knight in mail with a sword held over his right shoulder as he steps with right leg toward the right margin; the word "[unreadable]ELUMPH!" hand written over a man working at a type writer, his thick classes low on his nose, a wax candle burned out and a waxing crescent moon with a concerned face staring down at him; a pile of falling Mathom Sun pages, on the foremost of which can be seen the price, 10¢, a sun with a smile in the top right corner, and a dragon's head breathing fire filling the rest of the page; El Brick, smiling, wearing a sombrero, and stepping forward with the right of his large, four-toed feet; The word "OLÉ" to El Brick's immediate left (reader right); the upper torso of a dragon, similar to the design on _00665, but with smaller wings, breathing fire (inked in red), the dragon is inked in green.}