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[page 5] THE TRUTH ABOUT J.R.R. TOLKIEN: True, Professor Tolkien _has_ written some very good books, but what kind of person is he. In his interview (McCall's – I think) he was very happy and cooperative. How is he when there's nothing to gain from it? This could be deduced from someone's personal experience. (Hoo - I sound like my term paper.) Well, Mr. Arrick (Dearborn's Greatest 12A Honor's English Teacher, known as Sanobras Took) had, two years ago, two diligent pupils who tried to write their term paper on The Lord of the Rings. It was thus, they wrote Mr. Tolkien, humbly and politely asking for information or sources of article to be used in their report. To their solicitous letter, J.R.R. stormily replied that no, he wouldn't give them the information and secondly, because of autograph hunters, "he wouldn't even sign his 'bloody' name!" It is in this manner I derive my personal view for, when I become rich (as all members of the Empire shall), I shall always be kind to the student in need. [page 6] It is not for this subject alone that I address you. It has been falling apart. To me, the club never was anything but the letters which I received and _they_ still come - demanding PBM chess and views on the dormant MTES. I answer (as punctual as situations allow). Now reason for disinterest could be the fact that "We are flogging a dead horse." Perhaps we have run active conversation of Tolkien dry and are now in need of new discussion material. It is thus I propose forming a literary club. All books may be read and reported on - from Christian allegory in C.S. Lewis to the somewhat savage children of Ray Bradbury and the elemental science fiction of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Chose -This paper is paid for and kept up by you. Next issue - results (from letters received) and the new: ADVENTURES OF SUPER NURD! It has been the proposition of mine that this club (as I have said) be held up by the members. This, is the form of letters. For those of you to whom the main excuse is: I know of none to write to (I just made this up!), I have followed with a General List of Recipients of the Mathom Sun (or otherwise), who have shown an interest in letters and such. Here they are.