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[page 1] MALLORN LEAF Published by Barry D. Gold. Illo (bottom of page) by Fred Hollander. 2. His sword was long, his lance was keen, his shining helm afar was seen; the countless stars of heaven's field were mirrored in his silver shield. 3. But long ago he rode away, and where he dwelleth none can say; for into darkness fell his star in Mordor where the shadows are. The above are the first three verses of Bilbo's translation of the old elvish lay, "The Fall of Gil-Galad." Only three verses are given in _The Lord of the Rings_ (I, 197-198); the rest, we are told, dealt with Mordor and were to terrifying for Sam to have memorized. The music is intended for voice, flute, and lyre, but since I don't know how to write for lyre, the lyre part is indicated as arpeggiated chords which the lyreist can intrepret as he pleases. Runs on the harp or piano (pianissimo if played on the piano) may be substituted by modern groups. If anyone doesn't think the vocal part can be sung, at least two members of the Cal Tech glee club have sight read it successfully. Apologies for the errors in the music, but this master won't correct by the razor blade method. I would not recommend the Heyer #459 Music Master to anyone unless they are sure they won't make any errors. Hoping you're not John Boardman... <Cirth Runes for "ng," "th," and "o".> <Image: Three bare tree branches occupy the bottom of the page. The image is signed with the cirth runes for "v" and "o".} [page 2] {Musical score: The page is given over to eight bars of music, for three parts: flute, voice, and lyre. Flute and voice are displayed in the same bars, with sets of notes indicating harmonies. the lyre part is displayed seperately, in bars below the flute and voice accompaniments. The music should be read in treble cleff, the key as C major, time as 3/4. The flute is played piano, while voice and lyre mezzo piano.} 1. Gil-Gal-ad was an El-vin King, of Him the har-pers sad-ly sing; the last whose realm was fair and free, be- twen @between@ the moun-tains and the sea. <End music.> This is _Mallorn Leaf_, Published by Barry D. Gold, Bag End, Lloyd House, Cal Tech. The above represents my attempt to set the lay "The Fall of Gil-Galad" to music. Intended for APA F and APA L #21.