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[page 8] {Comic Strip: This page is given entirely to a seven frame comic strip, the details of which are given below.} {Frame 1: The largest of the frames fills the top third of the page. The image is mostly negative space surrounding two sets of bootprints, each connected with dotted lines so that the reader can tell they are two separate entities. Each bootprint belonging to the left track is accompanied by the word "CLOP"; each bootprint on the right track is accompanied by the word "CLIP." When the two paths meet at the bottom of the page a question mark appears above each.} {Frame 2: The two sets of bootprints are shown, with the left pair speaking.} HI! MY NAME IS THORI AND I'M AN INVISIBLE DWARF! {Frame 3: The two sets of bootprints are shown, with the right pair speaking.} THAT'S NICE! MY NAME IS LOGO AND I'M AN INVISIBLE HOBBIT! {Frame 4: The left pair of boot prints responds.} I KNEW YOU HAD TO BE A HOBBIT THE MINUTE I SAW "CLIP" NEXT TO YOUR FOOTPRINTS! HOBBITS ALWAYS CLIP! {Frame 5: A though bubble rises from the right pair of bootprints.} ARRGH! {Note: Between frames 5 and 6 is a small frame which reads "THIS SPACE FOR RENT."} {Frame 6: Speaking aloud the right pair of bootprints responds.} SAY, AS LONG AS WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON, WHY DON'T WE GET OUR OWN COMIC STRIP? {Frame 7: Both sets of bootprints are shown speaking.} [Left Set] THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! WHAT'LL WE CALL IT [Right Set] HOW ABOUT... [page 9] {Comic Strip: This comic is the second half of the strip beginning on the previous page, though the frame numbering resets. The first frame is numbered ((4)), but from thereon the framing makes contineus from one to ten.} {Frame ((4)): This frame is all text, inked in bold, capital block letters.} THE ADVENTURES OF LOGO AND THORI PRODUCED BY THE MOONDEMON CORP. DIVISION OF ARAMAC ENTERPRISES {Frame 1: The bootprints are now shown only as outlines. Each following frame is a minor variation of the bootprints speaking to one another. In this frame both are speaking.} [Thori/ Left Set] WELL, LOGO, HERE WE ARE IN OUR VERY FIRST STRIP! HOW YA LIKE IT? [Logo/ Right Set] THE TITLE'S OK., BUT I CAN'T SAY MUCH FOR THE SCENERY! {Frame 2: Thori, the left set of bootprints, speaks.} DON'T BE HARD ON THE ARTIST, LOGO! AFTER ALL HE'S ONLY DOING THIS 'CAUSE HIS BOOK ISN'T SELLING! {Frame 3: Logo, the right set of bootprints, speaks.} YOU MEAN THE "ARTIST" (AND I USE THE TERM LOSSELY) IS REALLY A WRITER? {Frame 4: Thori, the left set of bootprints, speaks. At the right-most border is text rotated ninety degrees counterclockwise that reads "NOT LETTERED BY FRODO!"} NO, HE'S JUST WRITING TO TRY TO EARN HIS WAY THROUGH SCHOOL! {Frame 5: Logo, the right set of bootprints, speaks.} OH! I SEE! HE'S REALLY A HARD-WORKING STUDENT IN THE PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE! {Frame 6: Thori, the left set of bootprints, speaks.} ACTUALLY, HE'S ONLY IN SCHOOL 'CAUSE HE CAN'T FIND ANYTHING IN HIS REGULAR LINE OF WORK! {Frame 7: Logo, the right set of bootprints, speaks.} AND JUST WHAT IS HIS REGULAR LINE OF WORK? {Frame 8: Thori, the left set of bootprints, speaks.} HE'S A VIKING! {Frame 9: A thought bubble rises from Logo, the right set of bootprints.} OH! {Frame 10: Both sets of prints speak.} [Thori/ Left Set] GOOD NIGHT, LOGO! [Logo/ Right Set] GOOD NIGHT, THORI!