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[page 3] FANZINE REVIEWS: _Osfan #41_ (Hank Luttrell, The Basement, 1108 Locust, Columbia, Mo. 65201) 8pp. mimeo, 20¢, 6/$1.00. Official magazine of the Ozark S.F. Assoc. News, reviews, and local happenings. We steal news from each other. _Warhoon 24_ (Richard Bergeron, 11 East 68th St., New York, N.Y. 10021) 62 pp., mimeo, 60¢. Warhoon, with its eye searing covers and beautiful reproduction, is certainly back. This was the Hugo winner in 1961 and is still quite an impressive. Serious articles and reviews by Breen, Blish, Lowndes, and White. Fannish type stuff by Shaw, Willis, and Warner, interesting editorials, lively letters. Well worth the price of admission although you might find some of the serious articles indigestable @ indigestible@. _Badinage 5_ (Rob F. Johnson; 175 Oxford Gardens, Stafford, England) 60 pp., poor mimeo, 20¢ or the usual. Readable genzine -- mostly humor or attempts at humor. At least it shows that there is still life as we know it in England._L'Ange Jackque#2 @Jackque #2@ & It Ain't Me Babe 2_ (Ed Reed, 668 Westover Road, Stamford, Conn. 06902) 44pp. & 24 pp., Headache producing multi-color ditto. 35¢ for both. The first is general, the second personal, although he says they will be combined in the future. Extremely lively (but many times silly and uninformed) opinions on just about everything. Bad Lay out (things are continued on pages that I can't find.), terrible artwork, badly reproduced (no, no! not red and green text) and very enjoyable. An loc writer would have a field day. _Double Bill #18_ (Bill Mallardi, & Bill Mallardi, 2345 Newton St., Akron, Ohio 44305) 50 pp. fine mimeo, 50¢. Only a year late. This seems to be fanzine resurrection year. Excellent artwork (except the printed covers), general material by Bowers, Mallardi, Cox, Zelazny (an awful poem), Stricklen (a new wave story), Coulson (fanzine reviews), Miesel (a refugee from Riverside Quarterly), and a reprint of a Ron Ellik column. The art is _much_ better than the material _Impressionen Vol.3 #4_ (Hans-Werner Heinrichs, 129 Frankforter Str. 6079 Sprendlingen, W. Germany) 4 pp., Xerox, a German newszine in English. This issue has a rundown on German magazines, and a list of the Heicon Committee. _The National Fantasy Fan - Oct. 1968_ (Janie Lamb, Route l, Box 364, Heiskell, Tenn. 36654) 10 pp. mimeo, Official organ of the N3F, Published by Don Miller. Free to members. Club news. _Nyarlathotep #6_ (Ben Solon, 3933 N. Janssen, Chicago, Ill. 60613) 82 pp., excellent mimeo, 30¢ (no subs). Another year late fanzine. Ben doesn't seem to know about inflation. The price should be at least 50¢. Fine artwork, good layout, some excellent material by Solon (on editing), Modrian (an excellent poem), Katz, Eisenstein, and Bowers. Panshin and White are OK but don't measure up to the others. The letter column is dated. Overall an excellent fanzine. _Science Fiction Newsletter Vo.3 #1_ (Don Blyly, 825 W. Russell St., Peoria, Ill. 61606) 15¢, 10/$1.25, mimeo, 7pp. The newsletter of the Peoria High School S.F. Club. Ugh. _Id #2_ (James Ruess, 304 South Belt West, Bellevue, Ill. 62221) 25¢, 34 pp, fair mimeo. Very badly reproduced artwork, General material. Nothing notable. The first issue was better. _S. F. Times #460_ (S.F. Times, Box 216, Syracuse, N,Y. 13209) 30¢, 12/$3, 16 pp., printed, Oldest SF newspaper around. _Instant Message #25_ (NESFA, Box G, M.I.T . Branch, Cambridge, Mass. 02139) 4pp, ditto. Bi-weekly newsletter of the New England S.F. Society. _Acusfoos #1_ (Richard Labonte, 971 Walkley Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) 2pp., mimeo, 15¢, 10/$1, Newsletter of Carleton University S.F. Club plus general news. _Amphipoxi #8_ (Billy Petit, Control Data Ltd., 22A St. James Sq., London, S.W.I, England) free, 34 pp, fine mimeo. Devoted to old fanzines & fan history. Alas, the editor announces it is the last issue. John Berry tells why he left Irish fandom, W.D. Veney discusses prewar Australian fanzines, interesting letters, etc. The magazine will be missed. _Haverings #35_ (Ethel Lindsay, Courage House, 6 Langley Ave., Surbiton, Surrey, U.K. ) 6/$1, 10pp., mimeo, fanzine reviews, very well done. _Scottishe #49_ (Ethel Lindsay, Courage House, 6 Langley Ave., Surbiton, Surrey, U.K.) 4/$1.00, mimeo, 26 pp. The Oldest and one of the best fanzines coming out of England. General material by Ethel Lindsay, Penelope Fandergaste (a name from the past), Lloyd Biggle, Jr., Ian Peters, and a good letter column. Excellent cover and headings by Atom. Always readable. _Rune #11_ (Jim Young, 1948 Ulysses St. N.E., Minneapolis, Minn. 55418) 4 pp., ditto. Minn-STF Newsletter plus general news. _Osfan #42_ (see above) 6/$1.00, 10pp. mimeo. Ozerk S.F. Assoc. newsletter plus general news. [page 4] _The Proper Boskonian #3_ (Cory Seidman 20 Ware St., Cambridge MA 02138)35¢,3/$1.,32pp,mimeo Letters & editorial take up most of.this issue. What's there is good & lively but it needs more material. Good illos & repro. Cory's editorials are always the high spot for me. _Speculation#l9 @Speculation #l9@_(Peter Weston 81 Trescott Rd.,Northfield,Birmingham,31,UK)35¢,3/l.00,64pp fine mimeo. Features critical reviews & serious eseays. This is one of the best of the critical magazines & parts of it are even readable for me. Mike Moorcock Talks about _New Worlds_, Philip Jose Farmer & Piers Anthony have interesting letters, F.M. Busby reviews magazines, & there is a long analysis of Brian Aldiss. The book reviews are dull. _Leftovers 5_(John Boardman 592 16th St. Brooklyn NY 11215) 40pp mimeo. The title is very descriptive. It contains letters John has been holding for publication for as much as 4 years. Also some leftist political material which I find of no interest-whatsoever. The repro is terrible. _WSFA Journal 61_(Don Miller 12315 Judson Rd. Wheaton, MD 20906) 3/ l.00,12/3.00, excellent mimeo 42pp. News, reviews, more reviews, & WSFA. info. Very good & recommended. _Instant Message 26_(As before)This issue contains a list of items left at Ed Meskys' house in the wake of the Tolkien Conference. Some of the items are fascinating. _Kalki 8b_ (Jim Blish 579A 6th St. Brooklyn NY 11215)8pp supplement to issue 8. It's an index. _Warhoon 25_(Richard Bergeron 11 East 68th St. NY,NY 10021)60¢,54pp,excellent mimeo. A really superb fanzine. Essays by Shaw & Willis, fannish biography by Warner, serious articles by Lowndes(on criticism) & Blish (his Phillycon speech) ,& a review of DANGEROUS VISIONS by Ted White with an answer by Harlan Ellison. A letter column, interesting editorial, & FAPA mailing comments round out the issue. Bergeron seems well on his way to pick up a 2nd Hugo. _Cry 177_ (As before)Price has gone up to 40¢,5/$2.00."WE give the same discount we get from the post office" A half-dozen short columns which say nothing & a long lettercol which badly needs cutting make up this issue. Very dissapointing @disappointing@ after the excellence of 176. _International Science Fantasy Art Exhibition Bulletin #3_(Bjo Trimble 417 N.Kenmore Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90004)10pp multilith. A rundown of this past Westercon & Worldcon art shows & some info on the revamping of the future art shows. _The 3rd Foundation 85_(Lee Klingstein 1435 So. Bundy #4,Los Angeles CA 90025)3/55¢ mimeo 38pp Fan fiction, a Baycon report, reviews, etc. Good repro. Leans mostly to humor & attempts at humor _NEOSFS Neweletter 3_(Bill Mallardi 2345 Newton St. Akron OH 44305) 12/$1.00 4 pp. mimeo Newsletter of the new Cleveland SF club. LOCUS 13 Brown 2078 Anthony Ave. Bronx,NY 10457 FIRST CLASS MAIL <Stamp featuring Franklin D. Roosevelt portrait, reading "U.S. POSTAGE,""FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT," and "6¢." Two post marks are also stamped here. The first reads "BRONX, N.Y. 51 NOV23 PM 1968." The second reads "MAIL EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS."> <The following information is on an address label.> Alexis Gilliland P 2126 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 <End label.>