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[Page 1] MISC. CLIPPINGS: The large mural (37 x 72") of the covers for the Ballantine LOTR is now available. It is selling for $5.00.///Total number of paperbound copies of 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY in print is now up to 633,00O.///Among the books being reviewed on WJBK's "Minute Books Reviews" this month will be THE RUNAWAY ROBOT by Lester Del Rey.///Alan Garner's Carnegie Medal winning novel OWL SERVTCE is being published in the U.S. by Walck.///Among the November s.f. releases in paper are NEBULA AWARD STORIES, TWO edited by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison from Pocket Books, THE RING OF RITORNEL by Charles L. Harness from Berkley Medallion, and PATH INTO THE UNKNOWN edited by Judith Merrill from Dell.///