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[page 5] Bilbo _and_ Frodo's Birthday Party gala festivities will be held SUNDAY SEPT 22_nd_ Sycamore Grove Park Highland Park, Calif Bring your own food <small line drawing of a smiling sun> Bring a Mathom to exchange (Birthday Cake Will Be Provided) Come in <text is boxed for emphasis> Costume <end boxed text> as your favorite <small line drawing of a hand pointing left> Tolkien Character! Games-Entertainment-Prizes for further information <embedded within an illustration of an arrow> Contact <end arrow> Glen Goodknight, 504 Elm St, Alhambra, Cal PH: 372-5464 {Image: A small line drawing of a dragon-like face appears below the text. The face features a sharp, up-cutting nose and thin mouth with two fangs. Horn-like protuberances appear on either side of the face.} PORLOCKED BY BOGERT <embellishment> {Image: A faded line drawing of an unidentified bipedal humanoid appears to the left of the text near the center of the page. The image is signed "KIRK."} Image: A faded line drawing of an unidentified, rodent like figure appears to the right of the text near the middle of the page. The creature has long, claw-like fingers, a hunched back, a rodent nose, and mouse-like ears. The creature is only drawn as an upper torso.}