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[page 2] Claude Saxon suggested, in his letter on the first issue, that we give a listing of what's coming out in the near future -- and also that we include the publisher's code number in our review of each paperback, for the convenience of small town and foreign fans who want to order through the mails. This sounded like a good idea, so we're doing both, starting with this issue. Thanks for the suggestions. Our advance forecast (see pp 20-21) lists everything coming out from now through May. We may have missed a few, but I think it's fairly inclusive. In SPECTRUM/THREE we plan to _list_ everything published after February 28th, and _review_ the 25 or 30 most important or interesting items, plus giving an advance forecast through July. SPECTRUM/ONE, incidentally, was mailed out to fans and pros in thirty states, as well as Australia, France, Scotland, Canada, Northern Ireland, Germany, and Great Britain. Thanks to Bantam, Regency Books, and the other publishers who have included SPECTRUM on their list for reviewer's copies. I would appreciate it if any amateur groups who publish pamphlets or books from now on would either let us know of forthcoming publications, or send us a reviewer's copy. Such productions rarely get notice in publishers' trade magazines and it's hard to keep track of them. SPECTRUM/THREE will be mailed the end of April. Among the books to be reviewed are _Podkayne of Mars_, _Ferdinand Feghoot_, Clark Ashton Smith's _The Hill of Dionysus_, and Arthur C. Clarke's _Profiles of the Future_. See you then. Lin Carter {Divider: The following text is enclosed within a box.} _SPECTRUM/TWO, for January-February, 1963_. Edited and Published by Lin Carter, Apartment 4-C, 2028 Davidson Avenue, New York City 53, N.Y. Associate Editor: Dave Van Arnam. Distributed free to all professional science fiction magazines, and to the science fiction editors of all paperback and hard-cover houses in the U.S. For everybody else, it's $1.00 a year for six issues, unless you are one of the science fiction writers who get it free. Sorry, no trades. We're losing money as it is.