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[page 24] This is the second issue of Í PALANTIR, August 1961, official publication of The Fellowship of the Ring. Editor: Ted Johnstone, "Bag End," 1503 Rollin St. South Pasadena, California Publisher: Bruce Pelz, 2790 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles 5, California Copies of Í PALANTIR are available from the publisher for 25¢ per issue, 5 for $1.00. British subscribers may send 1/9 per issue (5 for 7/-) to Ken Cheslin, 18 New Farm Rd., Stourbridge, Worcs., England. Memberships in the Fellowship of the Ring are $1.00 or 7/- to Bruce Pelz or Ken Cheslin, respectively. CONTENTS: From the Hobbit Hole......editorial.........Ted Johnstone...............3 The Jewel of Arwen..........................Marion Z. Bradley...........4 Corrections to Í PALANTIR l............................................17 The Fellowship - First Annual Meeting.......Jack Harness...............18 Membership list........................................................19 High Fly the Nazgul, Oh!....................Ted Johnstone and others...20 Haiku Portraits.............................Don Studebaker, Ted John- stone, and others..... 22 Cover by George Barr, illustrating "The Jewel of Arwen."