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[page 12] A QUICK SHORT CHEAP AND BRIEF BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TOLKIEN ARTICLES AND REFERENCES (_many_ of the things I know of or have I don't have the exact date on--I will eventually print up more and also trivia- ads, amatuer publications like school newspapers, and the like so if you know of such things write if you will....) & fanzines. {Divider: A solid line divides the previous text from the following.} (from _The Cosmic Kingdom of Myth_" Criticism of Williams, Lewis, and Tolkien, says Dr. Wright, has been mostly favorable. She notes, as others have that people tend to be violently for or against these men, also that their books are propagated less by written criticism than by word-of-mouth enthusiasts.") _The Christian World of CS Lewis_ by CS Kilby (which lists many other sources). _Runes: an introduction_ by Ralph Elliott _Providence, R.I. Journal_, Feb 6, '66. _Annals of English Literature. 1961. _The American Language_, p.64, H.L. Mencken. _Ramparts_ magazine, March, '67. _More Junior Authors_, 1963, M.Fullen, p.2015-6: _Oxford Mail_, Aug. 3, '66. _The Reader's Encyclopedia_, 1965, p.1013, William R. Benet. _S.E. Post_, June 17, '67, p.55./July 2, '66,p.90-94./Aug. 13, '66, p.4&6. _McCall's_, Dec. '65,p.179. _The Concise Encyclopedia of Modern World Literature_, Geoffrey Grigson, 443-4, 427. _Seventeen_, April '66,p.103?/January '67,p.91-118. _Esquire_, Sept. 1966, p. 130. _Ladies Home Journal_, Feb. '67, p. 54. _Hudson Review_, IX-1956-7,p. 598. _The Los Angeles Times_ news, Aug.31, Wed., '66. _1960 Fiction Catalog_ (esp. recommends JRRT). <Handwritten.>_BEOWULF "CLIFF NOTES"_, 1966.<End handwriting.> _The Book Review Digest_, 1954, '56, '65. _Life_ magazine, Feb. 24, '67, p. 10. _Commonweal_, May II, '56, p.156. _Time_ magazine, Nov. 22, '54, p.108/July 15, '66, p.48. _The New Yorker_ magazine, Nov.13, '54, p. 218./Jan. 15, 1966, page 24<right-pointing arrow>: May 14, _The Horn Book_ magazine, August '65, p.364-7/Dec. '65, p.572 _Books With Men Behind Them_, by E. Fuller, p.169-96, 'The Lord of the Hobbits'. _Atlantic_, March , 1065, p. 194. _Best Sellers_ news, March 15, '65, p470. _Kinkus_ magazine, Sept. I, '54, p. 598. _Christian Century_, March 3, '65. p. 380. _Christian Science Monitor_, April 15, '65, p. II. _Library Journal_, Feb. I, '65, p. 651. _National Review_, April 20, '65, p. 332. _New Republic_ magazine, Jan. 16, '56, p.24. (E.W!) _New Stateman_, May 15, '64, p. 778. _Diplomat_ magazine, Oct. '66(?). _Cal State College Times_, May 19, '67/April 20, '67. _New York Times Book Review_, Mar. 14, '65, p. 4/ Oct. 31, '54, p.37/ Jan.22, '56, p.5/ May I, '55, p.4./Oct. 31,'65,p.78. _NY Times Magazine_, Jan. 15, '67, p.30-1. _Concise Cambridge Biblography of English Literature_, 1962. _Time and Tide_ magazine, Aug. 14, '54.p. 1082/Oct.22, '55, p.1373. _America_ magazine, Feb. 18, '67,p.254. _Booklist_ news, Feb. 15, '56, p.252. <Handwritten.>_Readers' Guides to Periodical Literature_<End handwriting.> _Chicago Sunday Tribune_, Jan. 15, '56, p.4/Dec.26, '54, p.4. _Illustrated London News_, Oct. 9, '54, p.612/Jan.22, '55, p.156/Dec.3,'55, p.976. _London Times Literary Supplement_, Aug.27, '54, p.541/Nov.25, '55, p.704/Dec.17, '54, 817. _Nation_, April 14, '56, p.312. Edmund Wilson is one of the Nazgul. _The Bit Between My Teeth_, by E. Wilson, p.326-36. _An Anthology of Beowulf Criticism_, L.E. Nicholson. _NY Herald Tribune Book Review_, Nov.14,'54,p.5./Feb.5,'56,p.3/May 8,'55,p.5/ Oct. 31, '65, p.7/May 9, '65, p.3. _New Statesman & Nation_, Dec.18, '54,p.835/Nov.5,'55,p.587/Sept.18,'54, p.331. _Saturday Review_, Jan.28, '56, p.II/April 24, '65,p.44. _Newsweek_,Nov.29, '54, p.106/Feb.6, '67,p.92<right pointing arrow>/Feb. 20,'67,p.7. _Manchester Guardian_, Aug. 20, '54,p.3/Nov.4, '55,p.290. _Spectator_, Oct. 1,'54,408/Nov.25,'55,p.704. _Wilson Library Bulletin_, June '57,p.31,768/Jan. '56,p.35. _Precincts of Felicity_, by Charles Moorman, 1967(?). _Current Biography Yearbook_, 1958, p.555-6, <Handwritten.>SEND IN OTHERS.......<End handwriting.> _Biography Index_, Sept. '55/Aug. '58/Nov.'63. _Holiday_,June '66,p.128.