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[page 4] ATTENTION MEMBERS All NEW membersm please give g your addresses to your nearest scribe.. (him being Hildifons Took.) All members.... Turn in your dues: 75ยข in [unreadable] NOW! PLEASE include your birthdate.. I know dain was born on the first day of spring and the Eomer [unreadable] [unreadable] on PASSOVER (although I'm sure That the idea was not conceived at the same time as eomer) and that Aragorn celebrated his day recently I, myself, was born on April 21st. (from the king condt.) pectively. The club grew fairly radpidly @rapidly@, and and everyone got along until one of gandalf's friends, Cole Harrison, who had called himself Trhor (I give up) uh, Thror. made a number of offensive remarks about the book. These remarks were addressed to Eomer and Hildifons. The three of us wrote G. requesting, in our anger, that Thror be expelled. G soothed us and promised Thror would apologize. Thus we waited, but never a word did we hear from him. three times G. assured us that they weer @were@ coming. Finally, we asked for a vote of the white council, of which Eomer and Hildifons were members. (G. was a @members@ of this too.) Realising what the (down) vote would be. he threatened to disband the club. It got banished. (i.e. disbanded.) Anyway, now he's drawn off and formed his own club: The Dwarves of Moria. We might soon have an alliance with him. (continued on last page) NotE I, Hildifons Took, am the sole typer on this issue so mistakes are pretty common. Please excuse them.