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[page 2] GENERAL MEMBERSHIP King Aragorn.. Tooks of the Great Smials Bill Tallen 500 Crestvale Dr. St. Louis, Mo. 63119 Eomer Bill Eck 561 Beaucaire Dr. Warson Woods, Mo. 63122 Faramir- Steward Doug Cross 4 Ridgeline Dr. Warson Woods, Mo. 63122 Hurin the Tall Paul Lacy 63 Mars Hall Webster Groves, Mo. 63119 Imrahil Stephen Stanwick (oops Stackwick) 1706 Lakeside Baltimore, Md. 21218 Aduril Peter Rosamilia Jr. 13 Shoshone Street Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857 Lord of the Mark, Elfhelmed Mark Goldberg 4033 Wesley Derwyn, Ill. 60402 The Entmoot: Treebeard & Quickbeam John Berry & David Kellog 1214 E. Brack Bridge Apts. Austin, Texas... Dain son of Nain Joe thomas 22730 Alexandrine Dearborn, Mich. 48124 Bandobras Took George Arrick 22916 S Cleveland Dbn. Mich. 48124 Esmeralda Took Leone Nesek 5667 Otis Det. Mich. 48210 Belladonna Took & Berilac Brandybuck Maurice & Tom Butler 5926 Kronkel Det., Mich. 48220 Isengar Took Thomas Booy 6009 Wornall rd. Kansas City, Mo. 64113 Adelard Took Bob Fickle 23341 Columbia Dbn., Mich. 48124 Hildifons Took Lawrence Byyk 2724 Boldt <Written in felt-tip> L0-20-136 <End felt tip> Dbn., Mich. 48124 ******** Ar-Pharazon Pete Dobra 1606N. Franklin Dbn., Mich. 48124 (no name yet) Russ Gibb 7729 Kentucky Dbn., Mich. 48124 (no name yet) Margret Miller 23734 Sterling dbn., @Dbn.,@ Mich. 48124 Saradoo Brandybuck Dale Barich 24501 Boston Dbn., Mich. 48124 Merimac Brandybuck Brian Yinger 23816 Mars Hall Dbn., Mich. 48124 Radagast the Brown Philip L. Musgrave Box 295 Kailua, Hawaii 96734 Aravir the Red Doyle Donehoo 38372 Moab Dr. Freemont, Calif. 94536 Cirdan Charles T. Alderson 880 Plum Street Riverside, Calif. 92507 Glorfindel Stuart Butterfield 703 N. Highland Dbn., Mich. 48124 FĂ«anor Gerald Furi 8333 Schaeffer Det., Mich. 48210 (no name yet) W.L. Otis 302 Elm St. Ypsilanti, Mich. Also, there are a few people who didn't get their address in at the time of the printing: Tom Muldowny (oh no, That's-- N-E-Y) and Richard Gatreau....... That's it for now... more soon though. <The following text is hand written.> Other people to whom you might write <The following text is in cursive.> Durin-Gandalf and-(harrwaysh) Charles Walsh Sauron (Rick Dickieson) 6917 Cherry Lane {Image: A drawing of a roach in the same pen as the cursive script.} 735 Clinwood Springfield, Virginia 22003 Dbn. Mich. 48124