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[page 4] "THANK GOODNESS" A PUBLISHERIAL BY BRUCE PELZ This time it has been a little over two years since the last issue of I PALANTIR. Again, the primary reasons for its non-appearance are lack of material and lack of time. It is doubtful whether these lacks will be eliminated in the future, so once again I urge you not to send in more than the price of one issue at a time --especially since all back issues are out of print. The fact this issue appeared at all is due to the aid, assistance, and contributions of Dick Glass, Bill Glass, and Kathy Huber, and I thank them very much. The remainder of this editorial will be the basis for a speech I intend to make at a panel discussion during the Tricon ( 24th World Science Fiction Convention, in Cleveland, September 1966). Dick Lupoff, the panel moderator, has asked me to represent Tolkien Fandom......