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[page 31] If you are in the San Francisco or Los Angeles areas, if you are actively doing something related to Tolkien, if you are interested in contacting other people who are doing things with Tolkien, or if you are looking for money or other help in doing things with Tolkien's works, I may be able to put you in contact with people who can help you. As mentioned elsewhere, this Entmoot is on sale in San Francisco, at places such as the Psychedelic Shop. There is a lot of interest in Tolkien here and if you have any ideas you'd like to see take form, there is probably someone around who would be interested in helping. So if you are somebody not connected with sf fandom who has bought this magazine and would like to contact other Tolkien fans, get in touch with me. If you have stage adaptations of Tolkien or rock 'n' roll arrangements of his songs or anything like that, I would be especially interested.