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[page 31] PLUG* It still isn't too late to join the Tolkien Society of America. If you are in the New York area they have meetings which sound like great fun. If you live elsewhere, you can subscribe to the Tolkien Journal and receive all the latest news about J.R.R. Tolkien and his doings, in addition to material of the type found in _Entmoot_. ick @Dick@ Plotz (159 Marlborough Road, Brooklyn, New York 11226) is Captain of the Society, and he is establishing regional chapters ll @all@ over the country so everyone can get n @in@ on the action. He will also sell you uttons @buttons@ at 25ยข apiece ("FRODO LIVES" in nglish @English@, "FRODO LIVES" in Quenya, and GO GO GANDALF naur an edraith ammen, naur an i ngaurhoth" in Angerthas-Beleriand-elvish)