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[page 1] [Image: ENTMOOT spelled with trees.] 50¢ "THE TOLKIEN FANZINE" _ENTMOOT_ is published irregularly but frequently, we hope, by Greg Shaw 2707B McAllister, San Francisco, Calif. USA 94118. 221-4891. This issue is available for 50¢ at or from the above address, and various places in the San Francisco area. Subscriptions are now 5 issues for $2 and you can have a lifetime sub for $10. Free copies may be had for contributions of any sort which are published, or in trade (please write first to arrange for trade). Back issues: $1 for _Entmoots_ 1 or 2 (no copies of #3 available). Copies of this issue's cover 25¢ while they last. And if you think I'm making a profit on any of this stuff, try putting out a fanzine sometime. contents FRAGMENTS OF A TRANSLATION ... (poem) ...E.E.Evers .....................4 TIW...(lettercol) ....assorted people...................................5 THE PASSING OF THE ELVEN-KIND... (poem) ...TED JOHNSTONE................24 COSTUMING FROM TOLKIEN... (article) ...FELICE ROLFE ....................25 THE ELVEN SHIP... (poem) ...PETER SLOMAN ...............................29 ART CREDITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 AN ENGLISH CERTAR MODE... (article) ...MARK MANDEL......................32 FANZINE REVIEWS ... (feature) ...GREG SHAW..............................34 A FELLOWSHIP OF THE THING... (poem-thing) ...MICHAEL LATON..............35 EDITORIAL... (editorial ) ...GREG SHAW..................................37