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[page 16] Gilgalad Was an Elven King contributed by Ruth Berman (taken from an old Hebrew folk tune) Traditional tune to Adon Olam {Musical notes with lyrics below} 1. Gil-ga-lad was an el-ven King. Of him the har-pers sad-ly sing. The last 2. His) sword was long, his lance was keen, His shin-ing helm a - far was seen. The count- 3. But long a-go he rode a-way. And where dwell-eth none can say. For in- {Musical notes with lyrics below} 1. whose realm was fair and free, Be-tween the moun-tains and the 2. less stars of hea-ven's field were mir-rored in his sil-ver 3. to dark-ness fell his star, In Mor-dor where the {Musical notes with lyrics below} His sea. shadows are shield. But <Paragraph written in Tolkien's Tengwar script.> -/This is the first of a series of songs I will be running in Entmoot. Since so many readers are interested in music, each issue there will be either a tune for a Tolkien song (as above), or an original song of the type Tolkien writes, either with or without music. Suggestions for reprints of such material that might have been published back in the good old days of First Tolkien Fandom are equally welcomed, and will count as a contribution. "Fannish" Tolkien songs are also acceptable./-