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[page 1] <Entmoot spelled out in runes> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is ENTMOOT #2, edited and published by Greg Shaw, 2545 Lexington Way, San Bruno, Calif. ENTMOOT is a fanzine co-edited and alternately published by Greg Shaw and Dave Hall, 202 Taylor, Crystal City, Mo. 63019 and dedicated to Tolkien and Tolkieniana. *****ALL MATERIAL FOR NEXT ISSUE AND LETTERS OF COMMENT ON THIS ISSUE SHOULD BE SENT TO DAVE HALL, ADDRESS ABOVE, WHO WILL BE EDITING AND PUBLISHING _ENTMOOT_ #3.*** If you want to pay for ENTMOOT, send us whatever you think it's worth, but copies can be had simply by expressing an interest in receivin @receiving@ them. Contribution of material gets you a subscription, the length of which depends on the length of your contribution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ contents Cover and all art this issue are by Bill Reynolds THE HOBBIT, a review by Greg Shaw AMON LHAW, a lettercolumn A PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR THE PHONETIC REPRESENTATION OF ENGLISH SOUNDS WITH THE FËANOREAN LETTERS AS TOLD TO GREG SHAW BY DON SIMPSON .....Greg Shaw EDITORIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND THINGS ---------------------------------oOo------------------------------------