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[page 1] CRY OF THE NAMELESS No 138 The cover of this CRY is by a Miss Leslie Walston. That she was discovered by Toskey is perhaps the reason why her @artowrk@ resembles that of L. Garcone when it is trying to draw people instead of other monsters. This cover is certainly not worth the price of having it lithographed. John Berry's trip report, _The Goon Goes West_, rumbles toward its conclusion which will probably come next issue. This chapter, in which he relates his flight to New York from Seattle, and his stay there before leaving for Belfast, is better writ- ten than his previous coverage of his stay in Seattle, but there are still parts that read like an over-extended bread-and-butter letter. I have been hoping that John will rewrite parts of his report before its final publication in book form --I rather doubt that he will, actually, @butit@ would certainly be the better for rewriting. (In fact, a waiting period of a year or so and _then_ a rewrite would probably make it even better, but there are too many people that want to read the whole thing as soon as they can get their hands on it to take such a course.) Probably the best item in the issue is Burbee's article "The Night Laney Blushed" Burb should be persuaded (by rack, thumbscrews, bheer, or Bjo - which ever is most efficient) to write more of these memoir-type articles -- there are all too few of them appearing in the zines. Everybody talks about Burbee-type humor, but nobody does anything about it. This particular article deals with the LASFS meeting at which FTL decided -- no, it wouldn't be fair to give the thing away. Read it yourself. Buz has a long (4pp) editorial this time -- a Good Idea -- in which he takes a few well-deserved swipes at a certain East Coast fan, straightens out a few disagree- ments that came up in earlier issues, plugs TAFF and "Seattle in '61" and comments on the formation of a Tolkien Society under the name of The Fellowship of the Ring, which he claims is too specific a title for a group of @afficianados@ to give themselves. The alternative names he suggests (Muster of Rohan, Shiremen, Entmoot, etc) are even more specific, as we who are forming the society see it. The Fellowship of the Ring was, indeed, composed of nine particular individuals -- but it included representatives of all the Free Peoples: elves, dwarves, men, hobbits, and wizards. As such, it was much more representative than any other collective name in the books. I thought that Mal Ashworth had played out the "Take me to your @leader"theme@ in CRY 137, but in this issue Nick Falasca carries the idea further, into a hilarious treatment of someone trying conscientiously to take an alien to @Our Leader.@ A couple minor stories, Wally's "Minutes" and a 21-page lettercolumn finish out a much-better-than-average issue of CRY. (Box 92, 920 3rd Ave, Seattle 4, Washington. 25ยข each, 5 for $1, 12 for $2 -- or 1/9, 7/-, and 14/- respectively.)